Different types, same coffee. What type of coffee maker to choose?

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If you can’t imagine starting a new day without having a cup of coffee, this is the topic for you. The dream of a small black coffee like in a sophisticated cafe can come true in your home.

Why should you equip your kitchen with such equipment?

A coffee maker is definitely one of the most basic appliances found in a modern kitchen. Hundreds of liters of coffee are drunk every day all over the world and, as we all know, everyone has their own taste preferences. Such a device allows you to try many types of coffee from freshly ground beans, and the various effects can be obtained with just a few clicks. Making the best quality brew yourself at home saves time and money.

Types of coffee makers

Thefilter coffee maker is the most classic option. If your preference is strong black coffee, this will be the best choice. It works in such a way that the coffee poured over boiling water is brewed, passes through a filter and ends up in a pot without any grounds. There is also the convenience of a hotplate that will maintain the temperature of our coffee so that we do not have to worry about not having enough time to drink it before it gets cold. One useful note is that these coffee makers don’t come with a built-in grinder, so you’ll need to remember to buy your coffee already ground or get a hand grinder. This is a great option if you have a small budget for a new machine, as it costs less than £150.

Różne rodzaje, ta sama kawa. Jaki rodzaj ekspresu do kawy wybrać?
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

A pressurized coffeemaker will be a good choice if you like to vary the types of coffee you drink. Espresso in the morning and maybe a latte macchiato in the afternoon? No problem. In this machine, boiling water is pressed under high pressure through the ground coffee, extracting as many properties as possible, such as flavour, color and caffeine. There are two types of this type of coffee maker, namely low pressure and high pressure. The former is rather aimed at people who are fond of a decent espresso and must have a minimum of 15 bars. The latter, on the other hand, is chosen by lovers of light, creamy coffee.

Theautomatic espresso machine will be the perfect choice for busy people, who can’t afford even a moment of free time, but also people, in whom we find an element of laziness. This machine does most things for us, as the name itself suggests. It is fast, and the prepared drink does not lose its quality at the same time. All you have to do is fill up the water tank and pour in the coffee according to your preference, then choose the kind of beverage you want to drink. Some machines also come with a milk container or grinder. Some models have a convenient touch screen.

Flask coffee maker – simply put, this is a semi-automatic manual coffee maker. For those who like to experiment with coffee and those who like to contribute to its creation, this will be an ideal choice. The process that takes place in this equipment is initially that the water is heated to about 92 degrees Celsius and then pressurized into a container with finely ground coffee, so that at the top of the brew we can see a delicate brown foam.

Capsule machines are relatively recently released devices that have become a big competition for their predecessors. Capsule machines have a modern design, are very easy to use and most importantly their price is not exorbitant and fit perfectly into almost any kitchen. It often happens that such machines are bought as wedding gifts. The only disadvantage is the taste of the coffee, which depends on the mixture in the capsule. Operation requires only refilling the water, applying the capsule and pressing the button

Różne rodzaje, ta sama kawa. Jaki rodzaj ekspresu do kawy wybrać?
Photo by Chevanon Photography from Pexels

So which coffee maker should we choose for our kitchen?

To summarize, we must take into account the most important parameters, which are:

  • the power of the appliance, depending on how much of a strong coffee we want;
  • the ease of use of the whole machine;
  • the volume of sound when the machine is running;
  • the design to match the place where the machine will be placed.
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