Car care basics

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Every driver knows very well that taking care of your car is the best investment. With proper care of your car and its components, you can really save a lot of money on repairs and replacements. The more experience a driver has, the more patents there are on how to prevent malfunctions and keep the vehicle in the best possible condition. Here are the basics of car care

Technical inspection and replacement of parts

It is the duty of every driver to perform a technical inspection of the car at least once a year. However, if you notice any irregularities in the functioning of the car, do not delay with a visit to the mechanic’s workshop. During a routine service a variety of problems may come to light, especially if the car has been used before and is bought second-hand

If you find that you need to replace car parts, you can buy used ones very bargain on the internet. By choosing used parts, you can fix your car cheaply and without waiting to enjoy it as soon as possible

It’s really not worth procrastinating when it comes to visiting a mechanic, because as time goes by, the faults get more serious and harder to repair, which increases the price. You can even try to replace some parts yourself with online tutorials, but always choose tutorials from reliable sources

Air conditioning cleaning and refilling

Unfortunately, the air conditioning system in your car is one of the most neglected. Its functioning does not have a major impact on the car, but without an air conditioner a long trip in summer can be very inconvenient. A dirty and soggy air conditioner can be very dangerous to the health of the driver and passengers of the car

Nothing much will happen from one run, but if you use an old, un-cleaned air conditioner on a daily basis, you could end up with upper respiratory illnesses. This is because a lot of moisture collects in the air conditioner and on its filter, making it a real breeding ground for bacteria, fungus and mold. It is a good idea to take care of all the parts that make up your car air conditioner. The online store has all the necessary parts, so you can buy them cheaply and pay only for the labor at the mechanic, without incurring additional costs.

Car washing

Neat car must be clean, thoroughly cleaned and treated with appropriate cosmetics. If you buy a used car, it is worth entrusting it to a specialist for the first washing and cleaning, because the workshop chemistry is much more powerful than car cosmetics available in ordinary stores

After such a thorough cleaning, you can do the rest of the maintenance on your own, for example at hand car washes or even in your own backyard. However, remember to properly dispose of contaminated water, do not pour it into lakes or rivers or spill it on the ground. It is best to empty the bucket of chemicals into a sewer manhole, where the water will be transported to a treatment plant and re-treated. Other methods are not ethical or environmentally friendly, and such actions risk fines

Caring for your car means taking regular and diligent care of the good condition of your vehicle, not just visiting the car wash once in a while. Visit a mechanic when you need to, and don’t ignore the first signs of trouble. Also take care of your health by cleaning your ventilation and air conditioning systems and changing filters at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer.

Main photo: Oli Woodman/

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