A refrigerator with an ice cube maker – what do you need to hook it up?

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You’re having a party, guests are coming. You offer drinks, you have a fridge with an ice-cube maker, you have ice in abundance. You feel like a bartender. Only that your model had to be connected to water. And there’s a problem..

Make room for your fridge

Refrigerators that need to be connected to a water source have to be within reach of it. Therefore, make sure it is close enough to where the equipment will stand

The best time to find the optimal place for such a refrigerator is when you are renovating your kitchen. When planning it, consider buying such a fridge. Then you have more room for maneuver when setting up your kitchen equipment

Where does the ice come from? From water, of course

The most important thing is to connect the fridge to cold water. The necessary accessories and instructions can be found with every new appliance you buy. You can do this with a separate connection or a special tee and use an existing water connection for your sink or dishwasher

Connect an adapter and a hose to the water faucet. Connect this in turn to the filter, if it is to be used, and then to the fridge. Some refrigerators have an internal filter

Before using the ice cube maker, it is advisable to flush the system. Pour a couple of glasses of water from the dispenser to get rid of any mechanical dirt from the hose, the system and the filter. The water may sometimes have a black color. Don’t worry, pour enough water until it has a natural color

Remember the filter

When deciding on an appliance with a water-connected ice cube maker, also count on the cost of filter replacement. The cost of filter that needs to be replaced at half-yearly intervals is 100-150 PLN. You will avoid this expense, if you decide to buy a fridge with a built-in water container.

What next?

If you live in a tenement house and unfiltered water flows into your apartment, use a transparent, very rigid and durable hose, which makes it easier to locate possible scale. If you can’t use a quick-connect nut, replace it with a quick-connect tee. Once the water has been brought into the fridge, secure the hose to the wall or floor

Sometimes the supplied equipment is not compatible with the installation (e.g. too small diameter, too short connection hose), in this case use the appropriate adapters or reducers

They are not millionaires, so call a plumber

If you don’t know much about plumbing or simply don’t like to do DIY, make sure you get a plumber in advance. Remember to make an appointment early enough – men do not complain about the lack of orders. The price of such a service will depend on the experience of the specialist, the place where you live (services in the city are more expensive) and the distance and time of travel to you

Before you gain, know what you will lose

Modern technology has not bypassed our kitchens. Helpful, time-saving tools have emerged to make kitchen work easier. The refrigerator with an ice cube maker, which you may have once seen in American movies, has also found its way into our homes. Like any appliance, you need to take proper care of it, and with that comes costs

If you are a social person, and at the organized events you offer drinks to guests, you have a large family or the juice with ice refreshes you, such a refrigerator will appeal to you. You just need to ask yourself if the cost of its purchase is adequate to the benefits it offers. Of course, not every kitchen can accommodate such an appliance, but if your kitchen is big enough, judge for yourself.

There is an alternative

Keep in mind that not every refrigerator with an ice cube maker needs to be connected to a water source. There are refrigerators available in the market without the need to connect them to the water system. However, you must remember to refill the water container yourself.

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