Selfie stick – how to choose the best one?

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Selfie stick is a very practical gadget that is worth investing in, for example, before going on vacation, but not only. This extremely helpful stick for taking pictures is an indispensable tool in the hands of web developers or simply people who like to play with the possibilities of smartphones. How to choose the best model that will be practical? 

Why are selfie sticks gaining popularity?

Nowadays, almost everyone has their own rectangular window to the world in the form of a smartphone. These devices allow you to easily communicate from anywhere on Earth, use a variety of applications, and most importantly – take very good pictures. Smartphone manufacturers are outdoing themselves in equipping their products with cameras to capture unforgettable moments in ever better ways.

However, it is not uncommon to find ourselves in a situation where we want to capture both ourselves and the surrounding background. Probably everyone has encountered such a term as “selfie”, which is a photo we take of ourselves. Taking such a photograph requires us to hold the phone with our hand, so the possible frames are very limited. Unless we invest in a gadget called a selfie stick, which will serve as an extension of our hand. These items allow us to take great-looking photos that we can share with friends wherever we are. A photo of you and the amazing view of the surrounding mountain ranges spreading out behind you sounds great? Check out our guide, in which we suggest what to look for when choosing a selfie stick.

Selfie stick – what to pay attention to before buying?

Check out what features of selfie sticks are worth paying attention to before buying. With the following list, you will be able to invest your funds well and not worry about the poor quality of the gadget you buy. 

Operation of the gadget

Some of the selfie sticks available on the market are products that trigger the shutter on their own, while others require us to use the self-timer on the phone’s camera. The latter are usually the cheapest options.

Some of the most popular sticks are those in which the camera shutter is triggered by a button on the handle. These gadgets plug into the phone via a cable to the audio jack input or connect to the phone via Bluetooth. The last proposition is selfie sticks, which are controlled by remote control. Unlike those that connect via Bluetooth, they do not require as frequent charging.

Selfie sticks are used not only for smartphones, but also for small cameras, such as GoPro. Before buying a gadget, it is worth checking whether it will be compatible with the equipment in question. 

Length of the sticks

If you decide to buy a selfie stick that you plan to use intensively, it is probably worth betting on a gadget with the longest possible reach. The available selfie sticks usually reach very different lengths, from about 50 cm to even 110 cm. 

Additional features

Many selfie sticks are also equipped with additional functions. Their occurrence is worth noting, as they not only make it easier to take photos or recordings, but also the quality of the materials is better thanks to them. These features include built-in lighting, smartphone apps and a microphone. 

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